DONATE TO BUS FOR HOPE: Give our seniors a lift
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Korean Community Center of the East BayHelp KCCEB raise $80,000 for Bus for Hope to connect seniors to essential needs and support.
raised by 382 people
$80,000 goal
Last year, COVID kept us in our homes. With your help, we delivered over 44,400 meals to isolated seniors in the last 12 months during the pandemic to keep our Bay Area seniors safe.
This year, racism against Asians is threatening to keep us isolated again. According to San Leandro PD, attacks on Asians have spiked to nearly 300% since 2020. Seniors are tired of staying home but afraid of being assaulted or attacked.
KCCEB’s Bus for Hope Campaign is addressing anti-hate by fighting back with HOPE! We are raising $80,000 for a new bus to connect seniors with essential needs and social support.
We are vaccinating our community and ready to bring seniors to our newly renovated community center this Fall. We have wellness and tai chi classes, bagged meals and Korean lunch, diversity awareness trainings, personal safety workshops and mental health support.
"I've been confined for over a year due to COVID and it's been so discouraging. Now my family tells me to stay home because of the recent attacks. - I feel like it's breaking my spirit. I really want to meet with my friends again." - Jikimee senior
Donate to Bus for Hope and help us bring our community back!
Donors may enter a Virtual Cooking Show series:
- Restaurants for Hope: Restaurants who provide senior home-delivered meals will share their best recipes.
- Fusions for Hope: A Korean American chef and graduate of American Culinary Institute will share his new Asian-California fusion recipes.
- Kimchi for Hope: Did you know that there are more than 200 varieties of Kimchi? Did you know that Kimchi was chosen as one of the best probiotic foods? We will host a series of Kimchi cooking shows representing different regions and varieties.
$25 donation earns a raffle and chance to attend a cooking show.
$100 donation earns entry to Restaurants for Hope.
$250 donation earns entry to Kimchi for Hope and Restaurants for Hope.
$500 donation earns entry to Fusion for Hope, and option to attend Restaurants for Hope and/or Kimchi for Hope.
$1,000 donation earns entry to a private in-person Fusion for Hope cooking show (proof of COVID-19 vaccination required).
To qualify, you must show proof of donation.